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The DKMS Foundation is systematically expanding its database of people who can become bone marrow donors and thus – save the lives of blood cancer patients. The Foundation asked us to prepare a ‘recruitment’ campaign to encourage potential donors to register in the database.





We have developed a campaign based on an insignia that captures the state of mind of people waiting for a bone marrow donor. For them, it is the waiting that is the most mentally and physically exhausting time. We tried to show and accentuate the mood, feelings and thoughts of a person who (really) only lives on hope. In the main message we alluded to the world of dating and waiting for the other half – waiting for a donor, especially in terms of time and emotions, has a lot in common with waiting for a loved one. The idea of the spot is based on waiting, but an important part of the film’s story is also the surprising display of hospital elements in the house, which at first appear to be distractions but in fact lead the viewer to a solution.

We also used this symbol because of the target group, which spends a lot of time on dating sites and similar feelings are close to them. We based the whole campaign on the slogan – ‘In you, hope for matching’. In the conceptual part, we tried to make the viewers of our campaign feel like people waiting for a donor. Our campaign shows same-sex couples (or those with a big age difference) with openness, trying to break the taboo that still exists.

We realised the concept of the activities in the formats: TV commercial, cinema commercial, online video, citylights, OOH, radio and social media activities (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok). We took advantage of the characteristics of certain channels and adapted the message to the specifics of the place, e.g. we based the pre-rolls on the element of suspending information and waiting for it.