Meet the Walk agency


Meet the Walk agency

We are a Polish independent marketing communications group. We have been operating since 2006.

Today, Walk is more than 100 specialists with the competencies to effectively tackle all marketing challenges that clients come to us with.

ATL, BTL, Digital, Design, PR and Event Marketing - all in one place.


To be the agency most frequently recommended by clients. To provide a full spectrum of effective communication solutions.

WALK THIS WAY!= Our values

Stay hungry

We have an unlimited appetite for success.
For new experiences, projects, rewards. For becoming better every day. For new competences, solutions, ideas. Our ambition pushes us forward and makes us wake up hungry every day.

Stay hungry
Do it

Do it

We turn ambition into action.
We take matters into our own hands. We create, we fight, we try. We continually flit forward. We are not afraid of stumbling - only of inaction. Because the greatest appetite is nothing if you don't fuel it.

Be respectful

We are attentive.
To ourselves, to clients, partners and every passer-by. To the world that surrounds us. We care for it with equal care as we care for each other. Because our appetite and action only make sense when they stem from respect, openness, empathy.

Be respectful

Prizes and awards