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Presentation of the new Nikon Z50 mirrorless camera in the context of travel – a lightweight, handy piece of equipment dedicated to those who want to upgrade from a smartphone to their first interchangeable lens camera.

we work


PR activities focused around the organisation of an incentive trip, which was a great opportunity to test the new Nikon equipment. It was attended by key brand journalists as well as travel, photography and lifestyle influencers who are followed by the target audience – people potentially interested in buying the new mirrorless camera. The event was not just to showcase the equipment in theory. Above all, it was to be a trip that inspired participants and gave them plenty of photo opportunities – mainly for social media. A non-standard and exotic trip to Kazakhstan answered these needs, interweaving a mountainous, winter climate (Talgar Pass and Shymbulak ski resort) with the atmosphere of major metropolises (Nur-Sultan, d. Astana).


Each of the participants published very positive accounts of the trip, with the greatest value being the images taken with the Nikon Z50 and the review elements of the equipment’s key features. Nikon’s new camera received more than 9 million impressions via the participants’ media and social media accounts, and news of the first Nikon Z50 purchase, as a result of a recommendation from an influencer on the trip, reached us at the Warsaw airport as soon as we stepped off the plane.